Interviewer: Harinishree Ganesan Interviewee: Vadivelan Murugesan GT: Please tell us a little about yourself. Vadivelan: My name is Vadivelan Murugesan. I am a 4th year ECE student at CEG and am currently part of two clubs. I am th

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Interviewer: Harinishree Ganesan Interviewee: Vadivelan Murugesan GT: Please tell us a little about yourself. Vadivelan: My name is Vadivelan Murugesan. I am a 4th year ECE student at CEG and am currently part of two clubs. I am th
Interviewer: Harinishree Ganesan Interviewee: Vadivelan Murugesan GT: Please tell us a little about yourself. Vadivelan: My name is Vadivelan Murugesan. I am a 4th year ECE student at CEG and am currently part of two clubs. I am th